Research Background

Online opinions, whether right or wrong, can significantly influence people to make decisions across various domains, from consumers buying products to political ideologies and voting on certain issues. Fake reviews, spoofed and compromised identities, and sponsored accounts might be involved in coordinated campaigns of disinformation that can distort public perception, damage reputations, and erode trust in online information. The current system is centralized, which could allow data or opinion manipulation and censorship. Furthermore, whistleblowers or legitimate users such as journalists or human rights activists hesitate to express their honest opinions due to the fear of surveillance, retaliation, personal attacks, or reputation damage. In this research proposal, we investigate the solution that leveraged the decentralized blockchain system to create a secure and privacy-preserving solution for public opinion sharing on social media platforms, fostering increased trust and transparency. SecureOpinion investigates how blockchain technology can strengthen the security of public opinion sharing by establishing a tamper-resistant, decentralized ledger to record and verify user interactions and content dissemination.
What We offer

A fully decentralised, secure, privacy-preserving openly accessible opinion sharing platform